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Understanding Hand Expression: Benefits and How-to

Understanding Hand Expression: Benefits and How-to IBCLC

Hand expression is the manual extraction of milk or colostrum from the breast using your hands. It can be a valuable technique for several reasons, especially in the early days of breastfeeding. Here’s what you need to know about hand expression and when it might be beneficial.

When to Use Hand Expression:

·       During Pregnancy: You can begin hand expression as early as 37 weeks pregnant, though it’s essential to discuss this with your maternity care provider before starting. Hand expression at this stage helps prepare your nipples and breasts for breastfeeding and allows you to collect colostrum, often referred to as “liquid gold.” Bringing stored colostrum to the hospital with you can be beneficial, particularly if there are any issues with latching, breastfeeding, or if your baby has concerns like low blood sugar or jaundice, or needs to be admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Knowing how to store, thaw, and use expressed colostrum is crucial (more on this to come!)

·       In the Postpartum Period: Hand expression can serve as a substitute for a breast pump or help alleviate clogged ducts. It’s a handy technique to have as you adjust to breastfeeding.

How to Hand Express:

1.     Prepare: Start by washing your hands thoroughly. Then, follow these three steps:

* Form a “C” Shape: Place your hand around the areola, making a “C” shape with your thumb and fingers on opposite sides of the nipple.

* Press Inward: Gently press your “C” shaped hand back toward your chest wall, ensuring the shape of your “C” remains unchanged.

* Compress: Squeeze your thumb and fingers together without moving them toward the nipple.

2.     Collect Milk: Once your milk supply is established, mature milk will begin to flow within about 3 minutes of starting hand expression. Milk can be collected in a sterilized container. For colostrum, use a small sterilized container or an oral syringe. Colostrum often forms small beads at the end of the nipple, which can be dripped into a container or drawn up with a syringe.

Hand expression is a valuable skill that can greatly support your breastfeeding journey, whether you’re preparing for your baby’s arrival or seeking to enhance your established breastfeeding routine.