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Kelowna BC V1Y 4X3
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Get your Pregnancy Glow On

The experience of motherhood and parenthood is different for all of us. That’s why our services are always catered to your unique situation, no matter how far along you are. Prenatal treatments are helpful healthcare, supportive parenting, valuable preparation, and a self-care treat, all wrapped up in one.

Most of AltaVie Healths care can start as soon as you discover you are pregnant, or anytime throughout your pregnancy. Pregnancy-specific care is a fantastic tool to help you make it through pregnancy with the least amount of discomfort possible so you can stay active as you prepare for the big day.

If you are more than 36 weeks along in your pregnancy, call us directly and we’ll do our very best to fit you in.



If you’re feeling queasy at any time in your pregnancy, suffering from swollen joints, or if you want to get your body ready to deliver your baby, acupuncture can help.
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We're standing by to answer any general or theme-specific questions you may have. Professional support when you need it most.

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Registered Massage Therapy

Our Registered Massage Therapists are specialists in fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and pediatric issues. Reduce physical and emotional stress levels, and alleviate sore muscles and anxiety.
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Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine can help support a healthy pregnancy by utilizing proper diet, herbs and nutritional supplementation specific to your unique needs in each trimester.
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Prenatal Nutrtion Support

As a new or expecting parent, we will help you feel nourished and energized and prepared to take on a newborn!
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PRENATAL Acupunture

Acupuncture can help make the experience of being pregnant easier, and more enjoyable.

The books tell you that by the mid-to-end of your third trimester, your baby will be in a head down position, readying themselves for birth. When your baby doesn’t drop or is in the wrong position, we call it “malposition” or “malpresentation”. You might have also heard the words breech, transverse, posterior, or even sunny-side-up. Regardless of what you call it, we can help create the ideal situation for your baby to move into position.

Even though you might have thought that pregnancy would have you feeling amazing with glowing skin, sometimes that’s not the case. If you’re feeling queasy at any time in your pregnancy, suffering from swollen joints, or if you want to get your body ready to deliver your baby, acupuncture can help. Acupuncture is safe and effective in pregnancy.

Pregnancy concerns commonly treated with acupuncture:

        • Morning sickness
        • Back and pelvic pain
        • High blood pressure
        • Swelling and edema
        • Baby position issues
        • Labour prep for a more efficient birth, starting at week 36 (this is essential for all pregnant people!)
        • Acupuncture inductions past 40 weeks of pregnancy


PRENATAL Chiropratic Care

A pregnant body is undergoing tremendous and wonderful changes, but these changes aren’t without consequence. The increase of weight in the front alters their centre of gravity and changes the biomechanical forces in her joints as she walks and moves. As she nears the end of her nine-month adventure, the ligaments that hold the joints together start to loosen in preparation for the main event. If the joints don’t feel stable anymore because of the lax ligaments, then the muscles may become tense and brace around them to provide additional support.

A woman’s body spends a lot of energy building a baby (or babies). That body deserves special treatment. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to help your body adapt to the changing biomechanical demands and forces on your tissues. The more "gracefully" you can adapt to these body changes, the better you will load your tissues, meaning less aches and pains. LEARN MORE about what your first initial appointment will look like with one of our Chiropratic Doctors.

PRENATAL Massage Therapy

AltaVie Health massage therapists are specially trained and highly experienced in prenatal massage and know how to make you feel your best, safely, during pregnancy.

Registered Massage Therapy Is Safe

Prenatal massage is (and isn’t) just that - massage therapy during pregnancy. It is the same theories, techniques, and applications that are used as in “classic” massage therapy, but it isn’t because the prenatal experience is so unique and complex. At AltaVie Health, we acknowledge the intricacies of each mom’s pregnancy journey, previous birth experience, and future birth wishes to provide a holistic, personalized treatment plan.

When treating prenatal clients, we take into consideration that the women we are supporting are not just one but two bodies, growing and changing at a dramatic pace, with implications that surpass the muscular system. Pregnancy is a time of immense physical change but it also a time when women experience a wide range of emotional and hormonal changes that can affect their day-to-day experience, both positively and negatively.

Prenatal Massage is a safe and effective way that we can support women through the gamut of changes that they are experiencing during this phase of life. We commonly see women who are are experiencing muscle pain and discomfort due to the weight gain and postural changes their body makes to accommodate the baby growing inside. Often times, these physical changes can lead to headaches, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and a variety of other symptoms (think sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling, and the list goes on). Prenatal massage can also help with overall wellbeing by helping to balance out the nervous system and manage the bodies response to stress.

What to expect during a prenatal massage

At AltaVie Health, we know how to help keep you feeling your best with regular self-care. Pregnancy doesn’t have to hurt, and massage can help with all of the aches and pains that come along with being a parent.

A big question around prenatal massage, and perhaps another significant difference of prenatal massage, is “how do I lay on the table?!”. We have lots of options for you here. We have and often use special cushions and tables designed to allow expectant moms to lay face-down safely while keeping babe suspended underneath them. However, if mom is uncomfortable for whatever reason, we are also able to treat any and all concerns in a side-lying position. Our tables are also equipped to support the upper body in a reclined position if laying flat on your back makes you nauseous or uncomfortable. We are trained problem solvers, so if mom is uncomfortable with any aspect of the treatment, we will find another way. We want to empower our moms to have the treatment they need and the freedom to practice expressing their wants and physical preferences.

Often hear that many people expect prenatal massage to be a pampering, relaxation-focused massage only, and it definitely can be, but each prenatal treatment is as unique as the mom walking in the door. We are still able to “get work done” and provide therapeutic massage during pregnancy. We do our best to detail the symptoms that each woman is having, the outcomes they hope for in their birth, and their “that day, that minute” experience to tailor a treatment that specifically addresses them (and their baby).

We are always open to answering questions if there is a specific concern you may have regarding prenatal massage or whether this is the right therapy for you.

And, yes, we do want to rub your belly!


Prenatal & Postnatal Massage Treatments

Registered Massage Therapy Treatments can improve:

  • Relaxation and stress levels
  • Blood circulation
  • Tight hips and lower back muscles
  • Headaches and neck pain
  • Rib pain
  • Leg cramps, muscle cramps, and charley horses
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sciatic Nerve Pain


PRENATAL Naturopathic Medicine

Getting and being pregnant is one of the biggest events in a woman’s life.

While pregnancy is truly special, sometimes the discomforts that may accompany it can make daily living more difficult. There are a number of ways Naturopathic medicine at AltaVie Health can help manage some of these issues.

Common pregnancy concerns that Naturopathic medicine can assist with include:

  • Nausea/Vomiting
    • Gestational Diabetes
    • Fatigue/Insomnia
    • Heartburn
    • Constipation and Gas
    • Immune issues (Frequent Colds/Illness)
    • Leg cramps


Naturopathic medicine can help support a healthy pregnancy by utilizing proper diet, herbs and nutritional supplementation specific to your unique needs in each trimester.

Our Naturopath at AltaVie Health can help you prepare for labour and recovery.

Naturopathic medicine can aid during pregnancy with:

  • Breech, transverse and posterior presentation with acupuncture
  • Postdates labour induction with acupuncture
  • Nutritional support and acupuncture for labour prep

PRENATAL Nutritional Support

As a new or expecting parent, we will help you feel nourished and energized and prepared to take on a newborn!

You will learn which foods and nutrients are needed to support your prenatal health, postpartum recovery, mood, energy and breastfeeding. It is all about self-care, replenishment of nutrients and bonding with your new baby.

As your little one grows, we can answer questions and provide guidance about when and how to introduce solids for them, allergies, picky eating and developing healthy habits for the whole family.

Eating healthy can be difficult at the best of times, but during these critical periods finding and sticking to a balanced diet can be completely overwhelming. Good news: we can help.

Our Registered Dietitian will guide you through fertility nutrition, preconception nourishment, hormone health, and nutrition for breastfeeding. You will receive support in weeding through all the pregnancy dos and don’ts when it comes to food choices and you'll get personalised nutrition recommendations and practical guidance in helping you achieve a healthful pregnancy.

Food & nutrition strategies can also be used to prevent and alleviate common pregnancy complaints, such as morning sickness, fatigue, digestive problems, reflux and leg cramps.

Common nutrition issues we can help with:

  • Morning sickness and pregnancy nausea
  • Food aversions during pregnancy
  • Starting solids with your little one
  • Picky eaters – adults and babies!
  • Postpartum nutrition support
  • Hormone health & fertility
  • General meal planning support – let us help you find some new healthy, delicious recipes
  • Boosting energy and combatting fatigue
  • Digestive health 
Start your journey with us now!

About Us

AltaVie Health Chiropractic Kelowna

At AltaVie Health the path to parenthood is different for everyone which is why AltaVie Health provides a wide range of services including: acupuncture, chiropractic care, lactation support, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, nutrition support, engaging workshops -- a caring community and more. 

We even offer paediatric services for your little ones.

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    Our team is here, let us know how we can help in your journey!