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Preconception Acupunture

Acupuncture, when done in the months leading up to conception, may increase your chance of getting pregnant.

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Preconception Massage Therapy

Massage can be an effective treatment for fertility health because it allows the body to relax by calming the nervous system and regulates stress hormones.
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Preconception Naturopathic Medicine

Perhaps you have had a difficult time getting pregnant, or you have suffered through miscarriages. Naturopathic medicine at AltaVie Health can support your own natural fertility.
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Preconception Nutritional Guidance

When it comes to planning a pregnancy we find ourselves wondering if we are doing everything “right”. Fertility nutrition that can improve outcomes for many couples who want to start a family.
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Acupuncture, when done in the months leading up to conception, may increase your chance of getting pregnant.

Perhaps you are thinking of starting a family and want to give your potential new baby the best possible start, as well as make sure that you are as fertile as you would like to be. Maybe you’ve been on birth control for many years and you’re worried that it will take a while to conceive. Or maybe you’ve been trying to conceive for a while without success. Acupuncture can help.

Acupuncture may set the stage for optimal fertility, and can help encourage a healthy pregnancy. It may also help you avoid some of the common complications like elevated blood pressure or fetal positioning issues that may lead to unwanted medical interventions.


PRECONCEPTION Registered Massage Therapy

Massage can be an effective treatment for fertility health because it allows the body to relax by calming the nervous system and regulates stress hormones. Massage may reduce adhesions and scar tissue that can be blocking blood and pathways, as well it releases toxins from the body to cleanse and rid the body of impurities from our foods, stress and our environment.

Massage therapy helps patients to relax, which can also be helpful but it’s also important to make it clear that massage therapy can’t “cure” reproductive medical conditions and infertility.

There many underlying issues that can contribute to, and result in, infertility. Unfortunately, infertility is a challenge that a lot of couples are struggling with. There are many options to be explored for boosting fertility and increasing chances for conception and one option many people are trying is plain old massage therapy.

How does Massage Therapy boost conception?

When applying massage therapy to preconception, the aim is to enhance the activity of the reproductive organs through relaxation and an improved sense of well being. The goal is to work towards a maximal level of overall health, to produce an ideal environment for conception.

However, there is more to it than that. Massage therapy can be helpful in many situations involving preconception.

What specific issues can Massage Therapy help with?

There are various infertility problems that massage therapy can help aid, for both women and men.

Some examples are:

      • Muscle relaxation
      • Stress relief
      • Detoxification
      • Hormonal balance
      • Poor Circulation



PRECONCEPTION Naturopathic Medicine

Sometimes starting a family isn’t as easy as we thought it would be.

Perhaps you have had a difficult time getting pregnant, or you have suffered through miscarriages. Naturopathic medicine at AltaVie Health can support your own natural fertility, or also support you through medically-assisted fertility treatment. We are here to help you achieve your goal of having a baby.

Some of the underlying causes of fertility issues that can be assisted with Naturopathic medicine include:


      • Endometriosis
      • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
      • Hormonal imbalance
      • Hypothyroidism and thyroid disease
      • Poor egg quality
      • Low ovarian reserve
      • Luteal phase defect
      • Recurrent miscarriage
      • Unexplained infertility

PRECONCEPTION Nutritional Guidance

When it comes to planning a pregnancy we find ourselves wondering if we are doing everything “right”. Is my body ready to carry out a healthy pregnancy? I am eating a fertility friendly diet? What about my partner? Does his lifestyle affect our chances of conceiving?

Planning a pregnancy or actively trying to conceive is an exciting and tricky time. Until now the impact of nutrition on chances of conceiving has not been studied well. Interestingly enough, we are finding more and more scientific evidence that the man's diet may be just as important as the woman's diet and lifestyle.

Fertility nutrition is fascinating. It is an emerging field of nutrition that can improve outcomes for many couples who want to start a family. Whether you are thinking of having children in a distant future or have been trying for a while, it is never too late to make dietary changes to help you and your partner on your fertility journey. Women are born with all of their eggs and it takes 3 months for an egg to grow and ovulate. With advancing age the number and quality of women’s eggs decreases and it may make conception more difficult. A fertility boosting diet and appropriate supplements can help improve the quality of women’s eggs and support regular ovulation.

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