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AltaVie Health offers nutritional support and education during preconception planning, pregnancy all the way through perimenopause.

Eating healthy can be difficult at the best of times, but during these critical periods finding and sticking to a balanced diet can be completely overwhelming. Good news: we can help.

Our Registered Dietician will guide you through preconception nourishment, hormone health & fertility support in getting your body ready to have a baby. We will then help you weed through all the pregnancy dos and don’ts when it comes to food choices and provide you with nutrition recommendations and practical guidance in helping you achieve a healthful pregnancy.

We will also help you use foods to prevent and alleviate common pregnancy complaints, such as morning sickness, fatigue, reflux and leg cramps.


As a new or expecting parent, we will help you feel nourished and energized and prepared to take on a newborn!

You will learn which foods and nutrients are needed to support your prenatal health, postpartum recovery, mood, energy and breastfeeding. It is all about self-care, replenishment of nutrients and bonding with your new baby.

As your little one grows, we can answer questions and provide guidance about when and how to introduce solids for them, allergies, picky eating and developing healthy habits for the whole family.

Eating healthy can be difficult at the best of times, but during these critical periods finding and sticking to a balanced diet can be completely overwhelming. Good news: we can help.

Our Registered Dietitian will guide you through fertility nutrition, preconception nourishment, hormone health, and nutrition for breastfeeding. You will receive support in weeding through all the pregnancy dos and don’ts when it comes to food choices and you'll get personalised nutrition recommendations and practical guidance in helping you achieve a healthful pregnancy.

Food & nutrition strategies can also be used to prevent and alleviate common pregnancy complaints, such as morning sickness, fatigue, digestive problems, reflux and leg cramps.

Common nutrition issues we can help with:

  • Morning sickness and pregnancy nausea
  • Food aversions during pregnancy
  • Starting solids with your little one
  • Picky eaters – adults and babies!
  • Postpartum nutrition support
  • Hormone health & fertility
  • General meal planning support – let us help you find some new healthy, delicious recipes
  • Boosting energy and combatting fatigue
  • Digestive health 


Dietitian for Children and Families

Our pediatric dietitian can provide nutrition counselling services to families to develop healthy eating habits that will benefit the entire family.

Pediatric and family nutrition are essential aspects of maintaining good health. Some common issues pediatric dietitians help families with include pediatric weight management and meal planning for the entire family. This includes techniques to handle allergies and food intolerances, picky or selective eaters, and other nutrition-related concerns.

How Can Nutritional Counselling Help With All Stages of Pediatric Growth?

A Pediatric Registered Dietician can play an essential role in helping children grow and develop properly. Counselling can help expectant mothers ensure they get the proper nutrients to support the developing baby during the prenatal stage. After birth, counselling can help parents choose the best foods for their children and ensure that they meet their nutritional needs.

Your Pediatric Registered Dietician can address introducing solid foods and weaning. Also, they can assist with problems parents face in the early years, such as colic, constipation, and diarrhea, resulting from allergies and food intolerances. Other situations include pediatric weight management, nutritional deficiencies, and picky or selective eaters. Some of these situations lead to pediatric weight management problems, such as being over or underweight. Cases of underweight children are frequent, especially among those with ADHD whose appetite is reduced by medication.

As children grow older, counselling can help them learn about making healthy food choices and develop good eating habits. In addition, a pediatric dietician can also help to identify any potential problems early on and provide guidance on how to address them. Ultimately, nutritional support can be a valuable resource for families who want to ensure that their children get the nutrition they need at every stage of life.

Are You Stressed From Mealtime Struggles With Your Family?

Mealtime struggles with your family can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. A pediatric dietician can help with meal planning for the entire family. They can provide you with ideas for quick, easy, and healthy meals that everyone will enjoy.

We understand how challenging and frustrating it can be when your child can't eat the same things as everyone else. Our team can provide you with advice and healthy meal ideas that will help make a meal prep easier for everyone. In addition, a pediatric registered dietitian can help you handle allergies and food intolerances for the entire family.

Do You Have a Picky Eater in the House?

If you have a picky eater in the house, you know how hindering it can be. A pediatric dietitian can help you deal with this common problem. They can provide you with tips and ideas for getting your child to eat a wide variety of foods.

Picky eaters often have weight management problems, so it is crucial to address them as soon as possible. A pediatric dietitian can help you develop a plan to get your child back on track and ensure that they get the nutrients they need to prevent any long-term health problems, such as obesity, nutrient deficiencies like iron deficiency, and issues gaining weight.

If you're struggling to get your family on the right track with nutrition, our health professionals can provide valuable guidance services online or in person. From planning meals to addressing pediatric weight management problems, we can help you and your family develop healthy eating habits that will benefit everyone.Contact us today to get started with your first nutrition consultation!

Start your journey! Book your Nutritional appointment now

Nutritional Guidance & Perimenopause


Nutrition and Perimenopause

Perimenopause is considered a precursor to menopause. This phase can last years before your period ceases for good. Although the length of time women spend in this transitional phase varies, the natural body processes at play are largely the same.

During perimenopause, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone start to fluctuate. Overall, these hormones levels are decreasing. Estrogen levels may go up and down a bit more before leveling out as your body settles into menopause. These natural hormone fluctuations of perimenopause can often cause different symptoms for different women.




Perimenopause is a time when your body is going through numerous changes. Because of those changes, your body could use a little bit more of certain nutrients

Diet and lifestyle may not be a cure-all for everything that ails you. Still, the choices you make each day about how you eat and how you live can make a big difference in your quality of life. Focusing on the right foods and making the right choices can help prepare you for long-term health as you enter this phase of your life. You may even find relief from some of the uncomfortable symptoms that perimenopause can cause

Some common symptoms of perimenopause include:

  • irregular periods, which includes changes in flow or frequency
  • vaginal dryness
  • mood changes, including irritability or depression
  • hot flashes
  • night sweats, which may inhibit sleep



Start your journey! Book your Perimenopause Nutrition appointment now