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perimenopause AltaVie Health

Perimenopause and Chiropractic

Questions & Answers: 

 - Are you starting to experience menopause or menopausal symptoms?

 - Are you noticing more lower back or pelvic pain?
 - Are you experiencing incontinence or leaking with activity that you have never had before?
 - Do you have nagging aches and pains that just won’t go away?


AltaVie Team can help!

Menopause is a major life event that creates changes to our body that many of us don’t even know about. The shift in hormones slows our tissue healing times, reduces the integrity and elasticity of our connective tissues and decreases 

perimenopause at AltaVie Health Clinic
Chiropractic and perimenopause

our muscle mass and bone density. For these reasons, it is very important to maintain an active lifestyle to keep the body strong for this stage of life. But for many, they begin to experience nagging aches and pains and especially pelvic issues that they never had as a younger adult when trying to be active during menopause. 

All of these things could, in part, be due to menopause causing the connective tissues in the pelvic floor to loose their elasticity. Without this elasticity, our core and pelvic floor can’t function properly to support our organs and the rest of the body. Chiropractic and proper pelvic floor rehabilitation can help improve these symptoms to help get you back to doing the things you love without the pain and dysfunction!

Book in today to discover how we can keep you active and living your best life during this important life transition!